The Good Life

We’ve become addicts to a British tv series called The Good Life. (When it was brought to the US they changed the name to Good Neighbors). You can watch it instantly on Netflix, or you can piece the episodes together on YouTube.

The premise of the show is: There’s a couple that lives in a fancy suburb of London. He is a designer for a plastic company, who wants more meaning from life after he turns 40. He and his wife decide to try to become self-sufficient, but don’t want to leave their home. So they embark on adventures in urban farming – complete with chickens, a goat, etc.

What’s so amazing about the show is that it was made in 1975 and yet is so relevant to what is going on today. It’s well written and hilariously funny. Get past the first episode where they are setting up the premise of the show and I think you will become addicted too.

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