Road trip

With Lindsay being out of camp or school until Sept. 8th, we decided to take a roadtrip. We first drove down to MD to stay with Neil’s aunt and uncle. Neil has cousins there with kids, so Lindsay got a chance to play with cousins her age who she doesn’t get to see often. I grew up in MD, so I got to play with some friends who I don’t get to see often as well.

Before leaving I found some things I thought Lindsay would enjoy doing along the way. One thing was a rug hooking kit. I don’t think I’ve seen one of these kits since I was a kid. Opening the box up and seeing those same tubes of cut yarn was so weird. Lindsay likes working on it, but her attention span is pretty short. I think this project is going to outlast this trip.

2 thoughts on “Road trip

  1. Oh, how I used to love making those rugs! I think your right though, about it outlasting your trip. As kids, my brother and I would often each get one and it would last us the entire 5 weeks of a trip.

    By the way, have you seen this site…

  2. That site is really interesting. Do you know where they are in brooklyn?? I have made mozzarella, but want to try some other cheeses. I think sausage making is my next endeavor though.

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