Hey! What’s all this talk about cute baby chicks?

The chicks are just one week old. They now have some feathers sprouting to make tails. Their wing feathers are very developed, and now they are getting more feathers on their shoulders. They are insanely cute and I don’t get a whole lot of work done with them in my office.

More photos to come!

4 thoughts on “Hey! What’s all this talk about cute baby chicks?

  1. Hi Martha!
    I have been enjoying your site and reading about your chicks. Our next door neighbors just received their chicks a few months ago and they are now huge! It’s great to watch them grow. I am looking forward to the harvest! I can’t remember the last time I had a real egg that didn’t need to travel.


  2. Hi! I just found your blog via google, which I’m using because I have an urgent brooklyn chicken question! My son’s class has some baby chicks and the teacher is running out of food – we can’t figure out where to get more. I asked a chicken-keeping friend of mine what they eat and she explained they probably still need “starter feed” as well as “grit” – but she isn’t local so had no advice on where to get it.
    Any leads you could provide would be much appreciated!

  3. Try NY Pet in Park Slope. They often carry chicken feed. Adult feed has too much calcium and not enough protein for them. The calcium can be very bad for the chicks. Their number is 718-499-9565. Sometimes it takes a day or two for them to receive a shipment. The chicks can eat uncooked oatmeal (steel cut, not rolled oats) for a day or two. You can sprinkle them on top of yogurt.

    There is a place in the Bronx that carries animal feed. It’s called (appropriately enough) Animal Feeds, Inc. Their number is 718-293-7750. Here’s a link: http://animalfeedsbx.com/

    The bigger question is, what is the teacher planning on doing with the chicks when they get older? What if there are roosters? They are illegal in NYC.

    I hope this helps!!


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