Sausage Making!

I’ve been trying to gear myself up to make my own sausage. I’m not sure why, but it’s been intimidating. Neil got me an attachment for my stand mixer and my friend Michael got me a book on charcuterie. I watched loads of Italian and Polish men stuffing sausage on YouTube. But still I was intimidated. I ran into a friend on his way to a “sausage party”. Wasn’t sure if this was a cooking demonstration or a lifestyle party. Turns out he took a sausage making class. We went to their house with pickles a friend of mine and I made (she made pickled eggs) and George showed us how to stuff sausages.

A couple of weeks ago a good friend of mine visited from Toronto. He’s a fabulous cook, so we thought it would be fun to make a nice meal together. We made pasta, which was great because I wanted to see the consistency of his pasta dough (I think I make my dough too wet). And we made sausage. It was a whole family affair. Neil grilled it on the bbq and we were talking about it weeks later. We followed the recipe for a basic sweet Italian sausage, but added fresh basil, ground coriander and a cube of porcini bouillon.


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