This weekend we went up to my in-laws in the Berkshires. We got in two beautiful hikes in which we searched (to no avail) for morel mushrooms. Although it was disappointing to miss the morels, the gorgeous wildflowers and critters more than made up for it. There were loads of red-spotted newts (also called Eastern Newts). These sweet little guys live in the water when they are tadpoles and adults, but during their juvenile phase (when they are called red efts), they live on land. They are most visible when it is wet out, which it was this weekend.
- purple trillium
- red-spotted newt
- wild ginger
- woodpecker holes
- fiddleheads
- flatbacked millipede
- trout lily
- toothwort??
- old farmland boundary wall
- red-spotted newt