© Kyle Flood
Trish Smith over at The Daily Green posted about 12 ways to recycle used coffee grounds. Instead of throwing them out, try the following:
Touch up furniture and other wood scratches with grounds and a Q-tip
Sprinkle around areas where pesky insects, slugs and snails dwell to drive them away
Mix with soil as a natural fertilizer for plants
Dye clothing or paper
Rub into your dog as an organic flea dip
Fill old nylons and hang in your closet or fridge to repel odors
Use to fill old pin cushions
Scrub away grease and grime from pots and pans
Throw on ashes before cleaning out the fireplace to reduce dust from spreading
Feed to worms to help with your garden
Rub on your hands to eliminate odors
Mix 1/4-cup grounds with one egg white and massage onto face like a mud pack